The Wellness in Hospitality Podcast

70. How to Master Creating Impactful Wellness Concepts - Part 3

Sonal Uberoi

How can you create a distinctive identity that makes your hotel unforgettable?


Today’s episode is the last of a three-part guide on mastering the creation of impactful wellness concepts.

We continue with the million-dollar question: How can you create a distinctive identity that makes your hotel unforgettable?


In the last two episodes, 68 and 69, I talked about the Emotional Cycle of Change and its critical role in the success of any project.


At the start of any venture, we’re at an emotional high, but as we move forward, we often hit the lowest points—sometimes even rock bottom. This phase, known as the "River of Misery," is something we all go through, regardless of our experience. Ideally, we emerge stronger, better, and transformed, though not everyone makes it past the lowest point. 

Today, I’d like to talk about how you can move on stronger, better and transformed after successfully navigating through the River of Misery. I show you how you can get to Mount Transformation – when you know you have mastered how to create distinctive wellness concepts that are profitable, loved by your guests and team, and make a positive impact.


This isn’t about one-hit-wonder concepts; it’s about the strategy and psychology behind them.


In this episode, you’ll learn how to:

→ Build strong relationships with customers who love and promote your brand.
→ Become a vital and valued part of the local community.
→ Give back to the environment and community, ensuring long-term sustainability.
→ Stand out by being uniquely different, not just a better version of others.
→ Always deliver high-quality experiences to maintain your unique identity.


With this seal of difference, you'll have built a loyal and engaged customer base, become a landmark in your community and an important value contributor to the entire ecosystem – regenerating so future generations can thrive without depleting.

In today’s episode, I delve into how you can create your seal of difference, so you have a wellness concept that is both profitable and impactful.


Are you ready to take wellness to the next level?

Here are 2 ways I can help:

1️⃣  WHO: Wellness directors who want to join 1% of wellness leaders

📌 WHAT: The Wellness Asset Academy
A 10-week online group program where I guide you through my 7-step ESSENCE framework. Achieve higher pay and secure a genuine seat at the hotel’s big table—so wellness is no longer the most neglected area in the hotel.

→  Join the waitlist here.

2️⃣  WHO: Owners of small, independent hotels with a strong wellbeing focus

📌 WHAT: Asset Builder Mentorship
Exclusive 6-month 1:1 mentorship programme to master creating a wellness asset, build a proud team, and deliver transformative experiences for your guests.

→  Become a steward of true hospitality.

💡 Why work with me?

I know what works with wellness and I also know what doesn’t. I’ve made the mistakes so you don’t need to – saving you thousands of dollars on bad decisions.

✅ #1 best-selling author, global wellness expert 
✅ 40+ projects in 20+ countries across Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific 
✅ Top brands: Abadía Retuerta, Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts, Accor, Six Senses Resorts & Spas 
✅ Interviewed over 150+ hoteliers worldwide 

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